Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Special Board Meeting to Discuss the Cut List

(RC 3313.16)

Notice is hereby given; there will be a SPECIAL meeting of the Board of Education of the Hilliard City School District on MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2011 at 5:00 P.M. located at the Hilliard City School District Administration Annex, 5323 Cemetery Road, Hilliard, Ohio.  The meeting will be a work session held in regular session to discuss regular business as deemed necessary by the Board of Education and any other business that may be lawfully considered.  The regularly scheduled meeting will be held immediately following the special meeting and will begin at 7:00 P.M.

The meeting is called by Brian W. Wilson, Treasurer/CFO of the Hilliard City School District Board of Education, at the direction of the President of said Board.

August 17, 2011

Brian W. Wilson, Treasurer/CFO
Hilliard City School District
Board of Education

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Cut List

At the Aug 8 School Board meeting, this draft "cut list" was presented by the Administration to the Board.  It is the Administration's top-level recommendation of what should be eliminated from programming and services should the operating levy issue fail in November.

I'll write more about this as soon as I have the opportunity, but wanted make sure all of you saw it.

Again, this is a draft version - the final version will be determined after further information gathering and discussion by the Board. I'd certainly like to hear your thoughts before that discussion takes place.

Please keep your comments civil and productive. I'd also like to impose this rule: If you want to see something taken off the list, then make a recommendation for what programs/services of approximately equal cost should take its place. And please indicate whether you have any "skin" in your answers (ie you now, or will likely have a kid involved in whatever you advocate keeping/cutting).

It would also help if you post your comments using a unique moniker. Just click the pull down arrow in the "Comment as:" box (an example image only shown here, scroll down to actually post a comment)...

... and select "Name/URL", then in the dialog box that comes up just fill in the "Name" box with something unique (and tasteful!). You can leave the "URL" box blank.

Looking forward to hearing from you.