Friday, September 20, 2013

Supplemental Materials for the September 23, 2013 School Board Meeting

Here are the supplemental materials provided in preparation for the regular meeting of the School Board, to be held Monday September 23, 2013 at 7pm, at Hilliard Crossing Elementary School.

Item F1 is a return of the resolution about reimbursement in lieu of transportation. The Policy Review Committee has examined this issue, and recommends no changes to the language. I still have a question about whether the resolution is in compliance with the law (ORC 3327.02), which says::
"Based on its consideration of the factors established in division (A) of this section, the board may pass a resolution declaring the impracticality of transportation. The resolution shall include each pupil's name and the reason for impracticality."
My question has been posed to our legal counsel, and we'll get an answer before the vote.

I hope to see you at the meeting.

I also invite you to attend the Hilliard Darby Marching Band Invitational, being held Saturday 9/21 at the Bradley High School. Fifteen bands from high schools all around our region will be performing, including Bradley, Darby, and Davidson. Here is the schedule.

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